Archive | October 11, 2013

Happy Anniversary ~ 24 Years

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday my husband Ed and I are celebrating our 24th year of marriage! He even got wet to take a picture with me!
Despite the fights, the long hours and working opposite shifts for years to raise our children we have had 24 good years! We play together. Enjoy each other’s company. Halloween has us either at a party or doing a pub crawl. For me dress up is not optional! LOL!

kids really normal
Despite how our children act we love them. We have very few normal pictures of them together!


Together we’ve weathered good times and bad. Sickness from one is a separate bed so we don’t share! I don’t really like to share! My husband always says that what’s his is mine and what’s mine is mine! LOL!

I love my life and my family! Thank you Ed for sharing the past 24 years of my life with me.
